Sunday, January 09, 2005


Man, is it just me, or is everything I post up for the title of 'Condemned'??
Either that, or everyone has their own P.O.V.s that they wanna put forward. Still, it's beginning to loook a little nasty, isn't it? All I (seem to be able to) blog about goes under the microscope. Not that it's a bad thing, it's just that this place seems to be becoming a public venting session hall. Of course, it IS public, but yeah, still. I'm not saying don't or anything, I'm just observing the, uh, developments that are occuring. It's actually rather fun to take part in these discussions. I just hope I'm not causing too much of a str anywhere. I'm sure that Sneha and Arjun got somehing more to say to me thatn they are already. Oh boy. What a ride I seem to be in for.

I gotta post bout something else. Like kittens. Or doorknobs.


Meghna said...

Ah...thanks Sneha
I didn't realise my experiences were boring you...I suppose I have to be more obvious with the places I think can/would spring about discussion...
In my case, it's Arjun mocking me (or anyone for that matter) which spurs of a discussion...
Yes Aveek, your posts spur of conversation...and it's fun that way! As long an snotty remarks like 'go unfreeze your brain' don't come up.

Anonymous said...

aveek if you post about kittens, that would be sexist. cause that would show your obsessions with pussies.

and meghna if ever you wanted to be cryogenically frozen, just get a normal burial in a coffin. youre so coldhearted and humourless it wouldnt make a difference!

Aveek said...

Meghna, really, even (the highly prejudiced - or so it is said) me figured out that Sneha wasn't dissing you... it was just an example.

Arjun, you are one total nut case!! Hehe... fine, you win this one... I give up! There is nothing that you cannot twist to your perverteed sense of humour, is there...? Hehe...

And to everyone in general - I'm just going to take these as positive feedback and going to post more (highly opinionated) stuff here. Do I have everyones consent...? ;-)

Meghna said...

OMG....relax! I didn't think Sneha was dissing me! I was seriously saying that disscussions don't start where I think they I have to be more obvious! I didn't think you were dissing me Sneha...!

Arjun - ouch