The jeans Small Pocket
Originally uploaded by aveek.
The Jeans Pocket. Marvellous contraption, but no one really relises it.
I was watching the World Cup Finals (Viva Azuri!! Zidane is a B*st^rd) when a friend of mine asked me to hold on to his matches, saying he'd need 'em in another minute. So I put them into my pocket, and started to walk along. I started wondering how much pain it was going to be to reach into the depths of my pocket for that tiny matchbox, when alluva sudden it hit me - THAT'S what the the tiny pocket you find in almost any set of jeans' right hand pocket is about!! It's there for nothing except a matchbox.
Think aobut it, thats the only real use that it would have - sureit's been adapted to fit other things. But we all know that it was most certainly not designed to hold most cell-phones, as Motorola might ahve you believe. After all, these things have been around on Jeans when people were holding those monstrocities of cell-phones, that came with a carry-case of their own. They were designed for the working, smoking American miner/worker, weren'tthey?
Jeans were first worn by workers, and the whole drive would be towards practicality, not fashion. The workers needed a place to store a tiny match box that they used tolight things - from ciggarettes to gun-powder, and it was a hassle diving into one's pockets at the most inconvenient of times, so some bright mind must have sown a small pocket into his jeans. Being right handed, thats where it went. The trend obviously caught on, untill at a point, the manufacturers decided that it would be wise to put those little pockets on as standard.
Amazing thing, this little piece of design. Never noticed, but providing a subconscious relief. Ma, the things designers must think of when gonig through the developmental proscess!!
Just thought it ought to be pointed out that one ought not to ignore the tiny things in life that DO make a difference.
Interesting twist...
interesting. besides, no 'worker' would be carrying around gunpowder to light. it just isnt something you play around with.
unless of course, you missed that in the education you scorn.
you know what stops me from hitting my computer screen everytime i run across your website? the fact that its an exact copy of about 99999 other illiterate wannabe-rebel blogs on MySpace.com and that now with the WayBackMachine, archive.org, and google.com you're never going to be free from these pathetic posts for the rest of your life, even after you've 'grown up' (although its starting to dawn on me that you never will...), haunting your existence as prospective employers google "aveek katiyar" and then see this blog and proceed to chuck your resume in the bin.
-One of those 'despised' people of yours from the Class of 2006. Seriously, the way you indicate who all you hate smacks more of your immaturity than anything else.
Hey Mia! Nice to know that you still visit!! Honestly, I didn't expect anyone here 'cept my unfortunate aquaintances from MUWCI. :-p
As for you, dearest high-brain-capacity graduate - might it not ahve occoured to you that miners can bbe practical beings as well? I mean, it IS possible that they might have the gun powder stored somewhere, and go to it and THEN use matches, which they also use to light cigarettes? Just possibly? Well, all I will say is that I'm glas that you aren't a miner, or else you might ahve had some serious problems - though I think you ahve enough of those already, what with all the ffurious venting you seem to be demonstrating here.
P.S. What stops you from hitting your monitor everyimte is the fact that your parents are gonna laugh at your face for doing something so stupid. Go spend your time thinking about a real life situation once in a while - try to simulate it, if you must - after all, thats the only way you can do things, innit? Go lookk for tose simulations in those billion archives that you know all about. Why do you know about theem, anyways? What use is old data to you? Isn't V.3 better than V.1?
Now I see why you don't put your name up anywhere - should your employment come up and your name be googled in, wouldn't your eemployers be thoroughly dissuaded to ffind out you spent all your time trying as hard as you could to take ssomeone else out? And failing misreably too. I see someone's future(or whatever you call it) at stake here, and it's not mine. Plus, what sort of concept do you ahve of an employer, anyway?? What sort of dolt goes to google to look for an employeee's name? Man, zoom outta that lit box on your desktop once in a while - it'd do you some good. Go get a job. And a proper education. Having a diploma from UWC doesn't mean that you can get a good job elsewhere. As far as one could tell, you neither have any sort of work, nor any common sense. Or a name.
There's a reason I despise people like you. It's because you think that just because you got into and out of a UWC, you have the authority as well as the knowledge to say anything you want, andd say it with an air of superiority. Think about it. You'd never have imagined saying things like this if you didn't think that getting out of college faster and better than me(for example) made you any better. It's jackasses like you, not me, that are a blemish to the UWC name. People like you who become stuck-up, maliciuos, holier-than-thou twerps that think that they don't deserve to have afffiliations with people like me. If that is so, and I honestly think it is, why do you come here? If you raelly have something to say, come meet me - you seem to have all the time judging by the lenght and the (lack of) meaningful thins you have to say here. I knoww you aren't that far away, and so do you.
The way you don't clearly draw a line between those you dislike and those you could possibly use later on seems to talk volumes about your immaturity, my all-knowing, all-encompassing, knowledge-surpassing friend.
You can use it to store for whatever you want. From condoms to plectrums. But it was actually meant for the chain watches back in olden days.
Now thats a different thing you've given me a brilliant idea...storin' matchboxes was never before so easy
Profoundly enlightened,
Heard you are in blore now >>> when are you going back..
umm...on a slightly unrelated note, a LOT of employers google a person to see what theyve been upto... they even check your facebook profile (if u know what facebook is). Its not that much of a 'doltish' practice, as u put it.
quiet! thats what gives me hope that somehow society will finally be able to keep itself clean without aveek interfering... dont warn him!
Man, Anonymous, you (guys)nare pathetic.... just read the comments that you've made. You ought to take a closer look at the stuff that comes outta your mouth instead of wondering what I'm doing expressing myself. Or just not visit anymore. But then again, a simple solution lik that is only for people with any real sense. It's all right though, I'll pray that you aquire some at some point of time... till then, go ahead, have your fun, pussyfags.
Mr. Katiyar,
We meet again. I see you've found ureself some interesting fans. I relate to you coz I was once in the same situation of not finding myself in the same thinkin field as a lotta ppl. Thats not a bad thing. Or some thing to go indepth about.
What you choose to do with ure time at muwci is solely ure choice and dont let anyone ever tell u otherwise.
As for your anonymous buddies, let em know... dont hate the player.. hate the game...
On a more relative note, I quite fancy that small pocket for a zippo. It manages to fit quit perfectly, besides holding change.
Good things always,
~ An Entity from the batch of 2001.
worthless jeans... just what we need... help for smokers
Where do you study ?
At MUWCI - the Mahindra United World College of India... why?
It's called a "fob" pocket. A fob is an old word for pocket watch. Since the jeans were invented back in the day before wrist watches, the "american worker" needed a safe place to keep his watch. I had to laugh about your stereotypical views of all working class americans smoking. You don't know much about americans, but I forgive you seeing as you're in Bangalore. Don't you all wipe the shit off of your asses with your bare hands and then urinate on them to clean them? See what I did there? That's called a stereotype!
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