Thursday, January 06, 2005

Tidal Wave

OK, I know you think I caught on a little late on this one, but that’s not true - I just didn't have enough time (or patience) to write a post. And I know that you guys are gonna think that writing what I'm writing is so totally clichéd - and it probably is - but I don't care. Heck, this is MY blog and I'm gonna write what I please, so there.

(Sorry, I have no clue what just made me type that...)

Its strange - no, sad, that it takes us nothing short of death, or severe loss to make us realise what we truly cherish, and what we take for granted that we shouldn't. Things that we consciously ignore, things that we miss in the mindless hustle-bustle of our everyday lives. Things we should tell people that we don't, places we want to visit that we don't, things we want to do, but postpone for 'later'.
Its disheartening that nations say so much about 'public security' and 'concern' for the peoples of other nations, and yet let these things happen without doing a thing about it. Only after the bomb has exploded, only after the quake has eaten its share of the crust, only after the fire has engulfed to its limit, only after the wave has swept away all it can does anyone and everyone re-act. Only after the waters have calmed, so-to-speak, will people venture to 'save' the less fortunate others. So much for the age of 'information' and 'global security' and 'GPS detection' and other 'warning' systems. The Wave came, say, and pillaged all. Thank you Indonesia for informing us. Thank you Malaysia, for telling us so early. Thank you USA for your advanced computer detection systems that warned us of such an unfathomable occurrence. Thank you India, for actually acting on the information. Why the *&^% can't anyone have fail-safes?!
What the hell were you stupid fart politicians and 'leaders' doing huh? Did you feel the tremors in your 35-lakh Benz? Did you hear the cries of everyone who lost anything and everything in your 10-crore soundproof mansion? And when you did (on your 4-lakh plasma TV), did you do anything? Were you even dimly aware of the extent of damage - both physical as well as psychological - that had been caused? Did you contribute anything? Did you Visit the affected areas and PERSONALLY try and help out? Or were you too high for a lowly job like that? Did you chip in any more than the interests of one month of your bank accounts that you'd never really miss anyway? I don't recall it... sure, there are exceptions... but are you one of them? So much for your 'I will make a difference' speeches, huh? I bet you don't even know where the affected places are. As long as you're safe it’s all right, huh?

Right, sorry... I just wanted to get that off by chest. Pardon me for my poor literary skills - I just couldn't be 'WordyMcWord' as someone put it ;-). If it doesn't make sense to you, I think its cool - it didn't make sense to me either... just needed to get it out.

I can't cope with loss.
I gotta learn to ride the Wave.


Meghna said...

I appreciate your passion Aveek, and I for one was very distrubed by the media coverage of this whole thing. It was so graphic...very intentionally depressing.

It is human to look for someone to blame, but aren't you tired of forever blaming the government for eveything that is wrong in our lives without even questioning whether you and I have ever done anything proactive to deal with our problems?

I am not saying that the government is not wrong here, but we have been saying that they are useless for the past 56 years! Knowing that they are useless, is it enough for us to sit on our butts and say so?! What are WE doing?!

There are lots of NGO's - in Bangalore - who are working on helping out those in need, by personally going to the affected areas. No matter how deeply felt our sympathy, we are not doing anything beyond a material donation.

If we felt strongly enough, what stopped us form joining one of those NGO volunteers? How are we different form our indifferent netas? And what right do we have to single them out for critisism? I suppose the point of my comment is not to question the justification of the critisism, but which of us has the right to make it.

Anonymous said...

im sorry aveek but meghna is right. we are a developing country. we dont have the technology to prevent such a massive disaster. after all, this was the biggest earthquake in the recent past.

its not right to blame our government. they have less resources. yes they are corrupt. so is every other politician in the universe. no this does not mean that its an excuse for them, but still i would not go to the extent of blaming them for the incident/lack of order in the relief efforts.

Aveek said...

Right, here I go again... (Same Sundaay, a bit after repling to the Christmas post ting...)

Meghna: I did ask if I could volunteer - I have a problem tho. My parents, much as they'd support me, definitley want me to do me Geeksha course. Also, I'm too young to volunteer. I asked around. In this country, unless you get parental consent, and parent/guardian accompanyment, you cant volunteer for something like this. Trust me, my 'passion' as you put it, does not stop at the walls of my house.

Admitted that I souldn't blame the government. But I do. Not just ours, I blame governments in general. By now, in this age of super-tech when we can get Nukes to go from one side of the globe to the other in 3 hours, and still deflect them in that much time, we should have realised the danger of such an event occouring. And we should take some preventive measures. I think that someone has to be blamed, otherwise we'l just let it go, and not much will happen. In 2 months, it'll just be another tragedy, but no onw will have taken measures bout it. I don't think thats fair, to us, or to the people who are(and will be) affecter by it.

Meghna said... did try and volunteer. All right, I didn't know that. That's great...I'm glad someone is trying!

Anyway, I still think that blaming the government is a pointless thing to do, mainly because it's not going to help - people have been cribbing about them for 56 years! And it's not even like NO ONE is trying! There are people taking action...even though they did need this wake up call...