Thursday, March 10, 2005

Women (Part II)

I know I've wirtten about this before... those of you who visited this site in its earlier stages would have read it. In case you haven't and don't wanna go through the archives searching for it, there's a link at the end of the post. Click on it. Meanwhile, I'm in the mood to do some woman bashing (sad as that sounds, and I know that I'm gonna get tons of flak for it, but I currently couldn't care less.)...

Women are the best thing to have hit the Shopping Mall, and the WORST thinng to have hit Adam, or in this case, Aveek. They're just so disgusting. Not for the first time, I've just let them take me for a ride. It's disgraceful, the things that I (and here I speak generally, for mst guys who try to be spontaneously nice, much as that sounds contradictory to my personality) am willing to overlook, the things that I am willing to do, the times I am ACTUALLY WILLING to listen to what she (again, here I speak of women in general, no specific cases - yet) has to say, or, more likely, wants from me. Its just sick, the way they manipulate.
The way they expect the world from you, and have absolutely no concern for your broken back as you get it for her. The way they expect you to deliver thee goods EACH AND EVERY TIME, but get pissed off if you ask them for a glass of water after all your work. The way they give you importance when they want something, and the way they discard you afterward. The way they think that every man was made to serve them, and the way they look and act offended when the man occasionally says no. The way they turn every situation around to ALWAYS make it look like your fault, and instead of them apologising to you, its the other way around. And during the (EXTREMELY RARE) times they do apologise, they make it look like they're doing it to stop you from losing your cool over a perfectly logical situation, where you (as usual) are the one to blame, like they're helping you or something.
What total b*tch*s.
I never will understand them, and I never want to. They s*ck. They're not worth my time. They're not worth anyone's time. and get hung by meat hooks.

(I have no clue where this is going, so I think I'll stop for the moment, and write the rest in my diary...)



Anonymous said...

ever heard of the term - 'generalisation'?

Anonymous said...

ya know girls can say the same bout u guys!!!! weve all got our little quirks that the fairer sex doesnt like!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous' comment is good... that was a bad post aveek, not your first such one though :)

Aveek said...

Hmmm... admitted its not exactly the best post in the universe...
Ya ananya, I'm quite sure that everyone has something or the other to say... my philosophy (as you might by now have guessed) is SAY IT!!!! MUHUHOHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Prax said...

Dude you have got it right!

Female fraternity is the most complex phenomenon on earth. (I don't think anyone will aruge with that). They believe what appears right to them. Or rather they don't believe anything. or.... I don't think it can be described. If you praise them, she will think you are flattering her for something. If you don't you are good for nothing moron. If you talk, she wants you to listen. If you listen, they want you to talk. If you kiss her, you are not a gentleman. If you do, you are not a man (chicken?) No matter what, there is always something. And at last it ends upto ABSOLUTE NOTHING, period

(By the way, you shouldn't have generalized your bad exp. innumerable as they are, I have already got a dozen of threatenings, here and there. Kudos to ya!)

0 said...

hey aveek... must be bummed about all us B*#$%$'s!! lol but u know, to some extent u let it happen to u when u wear ur heart on ur sleeve. I think men are as complex and maybe we will never get eachother and just maybe thats why its interesting and fun and not all predictable. U'll me some nice mamas and retract this one like the sting show write over!! will be waiting. kissss

Anonymous said...

1- How old are u ?
2- Don't waste your time
3- With age you will learn a lot of things
4-Go read a good book, learn how to play a good musical instrument, do something, don't waste life
5-Had enough ?

Aveek said...

1 - 17.
2 - Ya I know... I'm trying not to, bbut there's just so much time-wasting stuff that is right there waiting to be executed...
3 - I know I know... I've got that lecture from mum.
4 - I did, I have, am fiddling with the computer settings right now, and I want to waste it till I'm responsible (i.e. 18)... there's not much time left! To the Waste-o Mobile!!
5 - Not nearly...!!

Anonymous said...

1 - 17. -

>>>>17 ? oh ok then we are taking about girls I believe unless u are having an affair with anybody above say...24 ? which is good idea tho..
Also, listen to a song called 'Girl you will be a woman soon' by UO...if u have not...

2 - Ya I know... I'm trying not to, bbut there's just so much time-wasting stuff that is right there waiting to be executed...
>>> let that time wasting stuff be executed by someone else, u don't do that

Also - listen to song called 'What's going on', my guess is that u must have heard it...but probably not understood ;), do u need the name of the band ?

3 - I know I know... I've got that lecture from mum.
>>> ur mum is on

Song to listen ? :) - 'In the living years' do u know the name of the band ? c'mmon do not google everything ok...

4 - I did, I have, am fiddling with the computer settings right now, and I want to waste it till I'm responsible (i.e. 18)... there's not much time left! To the Waste-o Mobile!!
>>> 17 or 18...what difference it will make...accept for that u can vote then..but that's waste..for some people atleast. And what makes u think that when u turn 18 u will start respecting buddy u have a bad habit to leave and u know what they say abt it...

song - no song...will spare u...

5 - Not nearly...!!
- Well, world is not enough....;) remember only in movies...

Anonymous said...

Ever taken a moment to think that women find men just as confusing, irratating and hard to understand?! Cos we moment your all over us, the next your blanking us, as if we embarrass you!
So next time before you start slagging off women...take a moment to stop and think that maybe its you!! not them!!